
Sales force management

It is unanimously accepted that not every successful Medical representative will necessarily evolve into a highly competent Sales Manager. Many of the qualities needed for a high-performance Sales Manager are very different from the qualities of a good Medical representative. An excellent Medical representative is a “star”: a person who often works alone, who effectively targets their customers, who has high networking and communication skills, who find innovative solutions for each business partner.

During this time, a Manager meets his/her goals through people, has to be a leader, and his main skills and competencies related with the vision, clarity, and charisma with which he sets and transmits objectives, the atmosphere he prints in The team and the way they know how to attract and develop people. A true Manager must have the ability to select, guide, motivate, direct, control, praise, or criticize team members to fulfill their goals.

Of course, a Medical representative also plans, but his success is ensured especially by his ability to act. A Manager must be a good planner, a person capable of structure. The manager must be able to make short-and long-term plans, plans that take into account all resources, from individuals, materials, budgets and time, to consider input to be able to achieve their goals and profit as output.

The manager’s post file includes both execution elements and decision-making concerning the team and the business relationships it responds to, and the level of responsibilities depends on the policy and size of the company they work in.

One of the most important activities of a Manager is to transmit information to both new and experienced medical representatives and therefore must improve their communication skills, both verbal and written. The reports of a Medical representative are essentially quantitative. The communication of a Manager becomes much more complex and is carried out in all directions: to the subordinates, to the upper and horizontal levels.

The manager is the one who organizes the team’s work to agree with the particularities of customers and territory. While the Medical representative is a simple participant in regional meetings, possibly with a brief presentation in front of the team, the manager needs to know how to plan, drive and implement meetings with the team. He must learn to be an excellent chairman.

The “Sales Force Management” program is a customized and interactive training program that runs for 2-3 days (depending on the size of the team).

The program benefits from weekly follow-up included for 3 months and can be completed by a minimum of 6 individual Business Coaching sessions.