In the corporate environment, there has always been the idea of employee development. It is also normal if we think that one of the basic competencies needed by a good Manager is related to the development of skills and competences for employees through all possible development programs related to the current or future post. So, all organizations see coaching as an important tool to increase individual and organizational performance. And if this tool helps employees to be more involved in their work and more motivated to improve their skills, it’s all the better.
Variants of coaching in the field:
- Individual Coaching sessions with medical representatives/Sales representatives: takes place following the participation of the Neva Advisor Training in the activities of the Medical Representative/Sales Representative in the field ( Customer visits or group presentations).
- Individual Coaching sessions the coach with regional managers: takes place following the participation of the representative of Neva Training at the coaching session supported by the regional manager of the company with a Medical representative/sales Representative.
- Individual Coaching sessions with internal trainers: takes place following the participation of the representative of Neva training at a relevant training sequence supported by the company’s trainer in front of the medical representatives/representatives of Sales.
- Individual Coaching sessions with product managers: takes place following the participation of the representative of Neva Training at a relevant sequence of course for the implementation of the strategy, supported by product Manager in front of medical representatives /Sales representatives.
- Individual Coaching sessions with pharmacists/pharmacy assistants: It is carried out following the participation of the Neva Advisor Training in the activities of pharmacists or pharmacy assistants in the pharmacy.
- Individual Coaching sessions the coach with leading pharmacists: takes place following the participation of the representative of Neva Training at the coaching session supported by the pharmacist with a pharmacy employee.