

It all started in 2002, the year in which I managed to "penetrate" into the Farma Square, a world that seemed to me, at that time, so special. Over time, I discovered that it is truly a special world, a world where interaction with customers, developed relationships and permanent challenges helped me.
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to become not another man, as I thought when I discovered so many changes in myself, but the man who was inside but waiting for the opportunity to surface and demonstrate.
There had not been a year in this world when I decided what direction it would bring me personal and professional fulfillment. We became a short time Country Trainer and then Head of Trainers, positions from which we developed personal and professional development strategies for all employees of a drug-producing company (medical representatives and various teams of Managers), we created and delivered educational programs, recruited employees, evaluated field performances and developed through coaching people who wanted evolution.
I grew up in the pharmaceutical industry, where I learned to know myself and to know others, here I learned how to communicate, to relate, to develop my every feature with potential, to achieve all the goals I have proposed. Here I learned to listen, to discover needs and values, to persuade and to sell. Here we have contributed to the formation of many people who are now in positions of managers and seniors, either because we have only facilitated their "penetration" in this world, either because we have allowed them to tighten through training or develop through coaching.
I have understood over time some important aspects, which I share with drag: No professional development is possible without personal evolution, no long-term sale is purely rational but rather emotional and no objective Can be achieved without involvement and dedication.

Dr. Clara Nicoleta Necula, CEO Neva Training


NEVA Training brings in the field of medical-pharmaceutical consultancy in Romania perfectly customized solutions for corporate customers and individual customers, designed, developed and delivered exclusively by consultants with relevant experience and Recognised performance in this area.
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The partner companies that have chosen the expertise of NEVA Training came from all the subdomains of the pharmaceutical industry: companies producing original and generic medicines, manufacturing companies, importers and dispensers of nutritional supplements, medical equipment companies, medical centers, and pharmaceutical chains, both in the human Farma area and in the veterinary Farma.
NEVA Training programs include consultancy in management and marketing, recruitment, field evaluation, Training, coaching and coaching the coach. All NEVA Training projects are perfectly customized programs tailored to each company's specificity and to each student, where high standards, dedication, and maximum engagement are undeniable values.
Individual projects include recruitment projects, interview training, and coaching, especially training. The most accessed open training programs are those of Medical training, Academy of Management and Sales Academy, programs that provide very complex, complete and perfectly matched knowledge in the pharmaceutical reality of our day.


Long-term partnership


We support the training and development of the employees in the pharmaceutical market in order to perform at the maximum level, according to the individual potential, by understanding and integrating all aspects in relation to oneself and others, at the level of emotion, knowledge, attitudes, skills and competences.


We want to put our mark in the process of creating the new generation of medical representatives, pharmacists and managers in the pharmaceutical industry by conveying the balance between emotion and reason, networking and selling, interpersonal sensitivity and Achieving the objectives.

Connecting with the audience in Public Speaking

Starting from the idea that “If you do what you have done before, you will get what you have already achieved” (Joseph Juran), I recommend some changes necessary for your future group presentations to be truly memorable. Although an extremely useful tool, companies and employees do not organize as many group presentations as would be necessary. It is possible that this reluctance also comes from the fear of the Medical Representatives to perform in front of the audience a product presentation that, in individual visits, they easily make.

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The idea of ​​speaking in front of an audience is not comfortable for many, okay; it is even considered one of the greatest fears. On the other hand, product knowledge, thorough training, learning presentation techniques and emotional management, along with the experience gained, can turn you into a very good speaker. So, try to organize as many such events as possible (obviously, when possible). And, don’t forget: you don’t have to start with the most important departments in the most important hospitals; create the necessary experience with “less demanding” audiences until you become masterful enough.

And, as the purpose of each group presentation is to convince the audience to recommend the product presented to you, you need, first of all, a real connection with the audience. You can get it by thinking about the following aspects:

  • Transmits emotion, first of all; real, authentic emotion, pleasure because you are there, enthusiasm for what you want to convey. And authenticity: everything you feel and think should be in line with what you show verbally and non-verbally. Obviously, before showing everything you feel, you need a good emotional management of fears of any kind.
  • Shows passion. You are there because you love what you do, not just “tick” the 2-3 mandatory monthly group presentations. You like your job, you do everything with pleasure and involvement, and all this is felt and seen through all your non-verbal communication – from eye contact, smile, posture and gestures, to the tone of voice, rhythm and inflections of the voice.
  • Demonstrates personal congruence. All aspects of your personality are in perfect harmony with what you do, you are “present” and connected 100% with yourself, with what you present and with those around you.
  • Believe in yourself and in what you say. Trust in your abilities, spontaneity and your ability to handle any situation. This inner force is felt by those around you: involuntarily, you will have a straighter back, a more direct look, a firmer voice and a genuine smile. And those who look at you become not only attentive, but captivated, influenced, motivated, eager to follow you.
  • Provides messages that touch the “sensitive rope” of each participant. Medical information, marketing messages, clinical trials refer to the rational part of a presentation; however, emotional touch is also needed, as it will significantly raise the memory of your presentation. Bring up the patients, the special cases, the emotional cases that you may have discussed in the individual visits. Remember that the force of persuasion comes from 3 components: ethos (reference to norms, principles, ideas, information), logos (the presenter’s ability to explain ideas correctly and logically) and pathos (the emotional charge of the messages presented).
  • Provides engaging and interesting messages to the audience. Always look for something new that is related to the topic of your presentation; not necessarily related to the product presented (maybe there are no new studies lately), but something new in that therapeutic area you will definitely find. It is said that a person can think on average 800 words per minute, while a speaker can speak, on average, 120 words per minute. So offer something really interesting in exchange for the remaining 680 words!
  • Be dynamic, spontaneous, always different, don’t let the audience get bored! The brain goes into standby in just a few minutes if not stimulated, so the presentation methods and types of messages vary, along with voice modeling and the movements or gestures that make your presentation unique. Make sure that the PowerPoint material brings as many messages as possible (words on one slide, graphics on another, animation on another, etc.); you can add a suitable song before starting the actual presentation, you can even use the flipchart, if possible, you can create interactivity from time to time – all this in order to keep the participants’ attention alive.
  • Repeat the messages you want to “stay”. When a message is used only once, the brain remembers only 3% of it in 3 days, however, if a message is administered 6 times, the memory amounts to 90%, show us the communication specialists. Moreover, the pattern of message distortion tells us that there is a big difference between the original message (the one you intend to convey) and the one that each person who listened to remembers, an additional reason to repeat key product messages or ideas that it must remain in the minds of the participants.
  • Connect with the audience at a non-verbal level. Gives authentic smiles and looks to everyone, uses gestures to emphasize what you have to say, brings dynamism through posture and movements, energizes the room using voice parameters (tone for transmitting emotions, volume and accents to emphasize what is important, modulation to not boredom and diction to make you understand).
  • Creates interactivity. No one really wants to attend a presentation to get bored, so everyone would like to feel involved. Unfortunately, the custom at this time in the pharma world is to make frontal presentations (PowerPoint presentation possibly followed by a question and answer session). But how does the presentation achieve its purpose of persuasion in this way? And why do you have to do what other Medical Representatives have done before you? What if you were the first to have the courage to involve the participants and help them see this type of communication similar to the one in the individual visit, with benefits for both parties? You can create interactivity in each group presentation with a maximum of 25 people and even a larger number, if you have enough courage.

And for all this to happen, you need, first of all, the perfect knowledge of the product and the presentation, the detailed preparation of the PowerPoint material, along with the preparation (even in writing, why not?) Of an opening and completion presentation. Don’t tell me you want to be spontaneous, spontaneity comes from a lot of experience, and actors spend hours training to look spontaneous on stage; so, if you haven’t reached that level yet, you need to prepare intensely. Don’t forget about emotional management, a basic aspect in any activity with which you do not feel comfortable enough.

And if you need help, you know how to find us. We are waiting for you!

Personal congruence

We negotiate with people in order to achieve our goals, but we also negotiate with ourselves. We all experience moments when parts of us lean towards different or even incompatible things, producing real inner conflicts. In fact, we are one person, we do not have different parts, but because we invest our energy in different expressions and goals, we feel sometimes that we are divided into one or more parts. In this context, the word “part” is a metaphor for how we feel.

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The parts we are discussing can be expressed at the same time, in which case we perceive an incompatibility within us. We can be overwhelmed by this inner conflict, especially if neither side is strong enough to dominate the other. Sometimes a direction triumphs, but we do not feel at ease; the defeated side lost the battle, but the “war” continues. That part still belongs to us and, even if we minimize it for the moment, it does not let us completely forget that it has needs that must be respected.

In other situations, the parties may alternate – sometimes one of them dominates, then comes the turn of the other, in a desired and sought-after equity, but transformed into short battles with one winner in a row. Then, the incompatibility within us is no longer simultaneous, but consecutive.

Whether they are simultaneous or consecutive, in all these cases where the parties cannot agree, there is a state of internal conflict, called incongruity.

Sometimes, however, spontaneously or following internal negotiations, these parties agree, when we become sure of what we have to do and everything becomes clear and meaningful. There is no conflict, only security, comfort, peace and total trust. This situation defines the state of congruence, the state in which emotions, thoughts, words, non-verbal language and actions complement each other, harmonize and indicate the same direction. Personal congruence occurs when all sides of your personality are in perfect harmony with what you are doing at a certain moment, maximum attention and focus. The result is such a high degree of self-report that what you say transmits strength, attracts and influences others. It is the first step towards authentic communication, effective relationships, long-term sales and successful negotiation.

What are perceptual positions?

What is reality, in fact?

It is generally accepted that what we call each of us “reality” is, in fact, the image of a reality that our brain has built based on sensory inputs and the countless associations extracted from the vast neural network of the brain; this reality depends on the experiences we have had, the automatic patterns of thinking, the way we process information – so that the reality of each of us is different because we perceive and understand the world in our own way.

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One of the first things we find out about the surrounding world is that not all people share our point of view, and to understand a situation as a whole you need to have different perspectives on it. Under no circumstances is a completely “correct” perspective; understanding is based on many perspectives and all are partially true, but all are limited.

And then, what could a person do who wants to better understand the reality of others? What if this person is a manager who wants to be a LEADER? First, we show appreciation for understanding the importance of this aspect; Secondly, we invite him into the world of perceptual positions.

”ME” – the first perceptual position

The first perceptual position represents your own reality, your vision of the situation, your own position (through your eyes), which you find only when you are mentally and emotionally associated with your own person. To be as “at home” in this position, it is necessary to know yourself best. It is necessary to identify your cognitive distortions, to explore your personal beliefs and to “cleanse your inner self”: to correct the subconscious mental patterns with which the adult within you no longer agrees. It is important to know how to react natively in certain situations and to find, when necessary, other avenues of action. To look at the situation as fully as possible from this perceptual position means to analyze the triad of emotions – thoughts – actions, discussed at length in a previous chapter.

Attention to the blockages in positions: the blockage in this perceptual position, without continuing with the analysis of the situation from the other two positions, defines the state of self-centeredness.

”YOU” – the second perceptual position

The second perceptual position involves a creative leap of your imagination, so that you can understand the situation from another person’s perspective and be able to think in the way the other thinks. This perceptual position develops your mental capacity to perceive the world seen by the other, but also the emotional capacity to perceive what you might be feeling by putting yourself in his emotional state.

This perceptual position is the basis of empathy and gives you the ability to evaluate the feelings and opinions of the dialogue partner – we are talking about a cognitive and an emotional position. Real empathy, viewed from a psychological point of view, means to understand the emotions, thoughts and actions of the other, viewed at a time when you manage to be no longer “you”, but “he”, with everything he represents: emotional baggage , personal beliefs, thinking filters, emotional management modalities, automatic thoughts and conscious thinking mechanisms, as well as reasons for acting in one direction or another.

However, if you remain stuck in this perceptual position, you will live your life constantly being influenced by the opinions of others, preoccupied mainly with the good of others and sometimes forgetting your own reality and your own interest.

”OBSERVER” – the third perceptual position

The observer position implies a step beyond your perspective, but also of the person with whom you are in dialogue, in order to have a detached vision of the situation. The complete detachment from both perspectives brings you so that you are above them, as a spectator at a play or as an independent observer. This position helps you to analyze the ecology of all positions and to analyze the position of each one equally. There you can see the connection between the two points of view from the previous positions. There is a need to position yourself when negotiating or resolving a conflict in which you are directly involved. There it is good to help position yourself and your team members in a tense situation, for example, just so they can have a complete perspective on the situation (obviously, after they have passed, possibly with your help, through the others). two positions).

Be careful not to get stuck in this third perceptual position – you may become too detached and you will be perceived as insensitive and uninvolved by the people around you.

Of course, there are additional variants, the most known being the one developed by Robert Dilts (one of the founders of the NLP concept), who specified the fourth perceptual position: the “NEW” position, where we associate from the perspective of the entire system from which we belong.

There is not a single right perspective, because understanding and personal development is based on several perspectives and neither should be denied or considered superior to another. It is important to be able to position ourselves consciously as we want in any perceptual position, in order to be able to make the best decision in a given situation.

The power of leadership

What is “The Power of Leadership?”

The true leader impresses. It acts like a true magnet, it has an aura, a charisma, something hard to define what makes you admire, respect and follow it. You stop wondering why, you just do it; and not just because he has shown you that he has vision, strategy or experience, but also because he touches something more sensitive and deeper in you than all of them: emotion.

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What are we talking about?

No matter what you propose as a leader – to create strategies or to mobilize the team to act and achieve its goals – your success depends on how you act. Even if you do well in all the other chapters, if the leader fails in this basic task, channeling emotions in the right direction, nothing he does doesn’t work as well as he could or should have. Because the true leader knows how to best impact the team’s mood; he does not just send messages – he transmits force, pure energy, and passion; convey emotion – real, constructive and authentic.

More specifically, what is the curriculum for this course?

  • Neuro-anatomy of management
  • Resonant leadership versus dissonant leadership
  • Types of leadership Emotional neurology and emotional management
  • The Emotional Intelligence of the leader
  • Perceptual positions
  • Thinking strategies

Who delivers this training?

  • Speaker: Clara Nicoleta Necula, Trainer, Coach, CEO Neva Training
  • Guest of Honor: Howard Dell, Professional Actor, Motivational Speaker, 8x World Transplant Athletics Champion

What do we get?

  • All our knowledge, ideas, passion and involvement
  • Graduation diploma
  • Course materials
  • 2 months weekly follow-up via email
  • Easy-pass Academy of Sales & Management Neva Training
  • VIP Access Academy Momentum

When and where can we meet?

  • January 16, 2020, with course program 10.00 – 18.00
  • Included breaks: 2 coffee breaks, one lunch break
  • Hotel Marshal Garden 5 *, Dorobanți, Bucharest

We are waiting for you!

Time capsule

I do believe and I do not in the law of universal attraction. The idea seems exaggerated and maybe you felt the same way about some of you who saw the movie “The Secret” 10-15 years ago or maybe sooner. But I strongly believe in something else: the fact that, when you know what you want, you verbalize that desire, eventually you write it, you increase your sensory acuity.

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That means all the senses through which you perceive the world (visually, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory) have been activated in the direction of that desire, so that you see, hear, feel more aspects related to that desire.

In fact, it is about focus: you focus your attention in the direction of your desire and then things really happen. And not necessarily because the fulfillment of that desire was sent to you from somewhere, but because YOU perceived all the opportunities you hadn’t even noticed before.

And, related to this topic, did you know that there is a #nevatraining Workshop that lasts for 1 YEARS? Within the Time Management course, each participant notes, individually, their goals for the following year. Each one then seals this “WishList” in a beautifully colored envelope, which then receives the warmth and confidentiality of a larger envelope, from the team, sealed again (confidentiality is very important to us; you got the idea, right?) The team envelope remains kept in good stead in a “time capsule” of the NEVA Training office for 1 year, to be unsealed at the end of December, next year! It is wonderful to see how much you have achieved in that year – because you have thought, verbalized, written and used every opportunity!

To as many goals as possible achieved every year!

Product portfolio management. The Boston Matrix

We all know certain products that have become brands, as we discussed in a previous article (Despre brand și branding). The marketing effort behind the creation of a brand is a bigger one as the brand is better known, and the analysis of the product portfolio of a company is one of the elements that underpin the choice of product for the right strategy.

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The most useful tool in evaluating portfolio products is the Boston Consulting Group Matrix (better known as the Boston Matrix or BCG Matrix), which, though invented by Bruce Henderson in 1968, is still useful today. This matrix divides the products of an organization into four categories, depending on the evolution of the product market and the market share of the product in the market compared to the most important competitor.

The use of the BCG matrix allows the analysis and planning of the product portfolio, determining which products are generating profit, which are the ones from which a significant increase in sales can be expected and where the company’s resources will have to be invested.

Each product has its own life cycle and each stage of the product life cycle presents a different risk and profitability profile. In general, a company should maintain a balanced product portfolio, which includes both high-growth and lower-growth, but profit-generating products.

The BCG matrix brings an extra in the analysis of the product mix. By knowing better the company’s product portfolio, managers can make decisions regarding priorities, not only regarding products but also on the strategic units of activity of the company. What are the 4 product categories presented by the BCG matrix:

  • Stars: are products in a market with a high growth rate and which have a large market share. These products are leaders in the respective market, but they require large investments to finance their rapid growth. In time, their growth rate will slow down, and under the conditions in which the market share will be maintained, the “stars” will turn into “cash cows”.
  • Question marks (dilemmas): are products in a market with a high growth rate, but with a small market share. “Dilemmas” are essentially new products that buyers must discover. The marketing strategy is to stimulate early followers. These products need massive investments and have low returns due to their small market share. They need to gain their market share quickly, otherwise, they can turn into “millstones”. Management needs to think carefully about which of the “dilemmas” they should try to turn into “stars” (and invest a lot) and which ones they should give up.
  • Cash cow: These are products with a high market share, which are in mature markets. These are established, successful, highly profitable products that produce plenty of cash, which the company uses to pay their bills and support products that need investment. As a result of the low growth rate, they need less investment to maintain their market share. Therefore, “dairy cows” are the most desired products in a company’s portfolio;
  • Dogs (millstones): they are produced with low growth rate and low market share. It is possible to generate enough liquidity to ensure their own survival, but they do not promise to become liquid sources. In general, “millstones” should be avoided and their impact on business minimized. Ambitious investment plans for these products do not produce spectacular results.

Despite the clear way of managing the product portfolio it proposes, the BCG matrix also has some limitations. The first problem arises from the way we define the market and from where we obtain market share data. However, this aspect is successfully prevented in the field of drug marketing, thanks to companies specialized in market research. Another problem arises from the fact that a large market share is not necessarily a profit-generating one, and segments with a reduced market share or “niches” may also be profitable, as sometimes “millstones” may be more profitable than “dairy cows”.

Although market growth is not the only indicator of a market’s attractiveness and this model does not reflect the growth rates of the total market, the Boston Consulting Group matrix remains an important tool for creating a successful marketing strategy.

*Extracted from Product Portofolio Management course.

About brand and branding

Sooner or later, in Romania, the notion of brand and the idea of ​​branding began to gain serious ground. Especially among young people, where the brand is already in search of clothes, accessories, phones and cars. There are many brands that almost everyone knows, such as Coca-Cola, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, BMW and many others, but they needed time to create the image we know it today.

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The brand is the key element in the development process of a company, so it is important that it is used effectively and successfully in the sales process. A positive and powerful brand image is very difficult to create, but especially to be maintained, and the costs are not negligible at all. Brands are those intangible resources that need to be developed daily and maintained with great care. And the most important characteristics are: reputation, trust and recognition among customers.

There are many definitions given to the concept of brand; the simplest and easiest to understand is the one offered by the American Marketing Association, according to which “brand is a name, term, symbol, image or any combination thereof, with the role of identifying the product or service of a producer and differentiating them of the competition. “

Brands are extremely valuable for companies: they provide the company with legal rights protection, signal a level of quality and ensure the stability and fidelity of a number of customers willing to pay a higher price for the quality offered by the brand. Brand capital is the added value that a particular product has, reflected not only by the product itself and its quality, but also by other dimensions (especially emotional): the way consumers think and feel about the brand.

A brand is the way a product, service or company is seen in the minds of consumers. Of course, every brand is seen in a certain way by consumers. It should be noted that such a perception can be both negative, positive or neutral. Also, remember that not only a product, a service or a company can be branded, but also a state, a person, an event or even a building (Empire State Building tells you something, right?). In some cases, we don’t even need a logo or slogan, the identity is something else.

Branding is the process of building a brand. Usually, this process is a long-term process and involves a large mass of people. Depending on the way it is presented (or packaged), certain brands are built in a shorter time.

People involved in branding are trying to develop or align expectations behind the brand experience, creating the impression that a brand associated with a product or service has certain qualities or characteristics that make it special or unique. A brand is, therefore, one of the most valuable elements in an advertising theme. The art of creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management and it takes colossal work to achieve the desired results.

Usually, a brand consists of several important elements:

  • Name (needless to say that a memorable name, which draws attention is important);
  • The slogan (McDonald’s company slogan is known throughout the world: “lovin’it”);
  • Logo (a visual brand that identifies the brand);
  • Graphics (dynamic white ribbon on the Coca-Cola glass is a part of the brand);
  • Shape (Volkswagen Beetle cars are unique);
  • Color (Owens Corning is the only pink insulation brand that can be pink);
  • The sound (from Intel’s iconic “bong” sound to McDonald’s jingle “ba da ba ba, lovin’it”);
  • The smell (for example, the No. 5 Chanel perfume with rose and jasmine odor is registered as a trademark of this brand).

Whenever you see a message written or hear a song that you immediately associate with a brand, it means that someone has “done their job” well. And it wasn’t easy at all. There were thousands of people, thousands of hours worked, maybe hundreds of thousands of brilliant ideas and minds who knew that brands make a difference. Satisfactions are tailor-made: loyalty to the brand is living proof that consumer preferences are not always determined by the lowest price, and the true brand is bought, no matter the price, because it is unique and not only benefits. rational, as well as emotional.

*Extracted from Product portofolio Management course

Personal motivational styles

The concept of motivation has been and will remain one of the main starting points in understanding success in leadership. Psychologists consider motivation to be the source of energy that drives us to action, the engine of our entire activity, both professionally and personally.

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It is obvious that to function optimally, any system needs to be powered, just as we need the motivation to achieve what we set out to do. Specifically, we need those stimuli that determine us to start a certain activity and which, at the same time, can support us until the moment of completion of that action. Each of us is guided in life according to principles, has certain values, ideas, opinions, and personal motivating factors. A leader needs to know his or her motivating factors before discovering the ones in the team.

However, we will not discuss intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, aspects that have been analyzed in the past. We discuss personal motivational styles and motivation direction. You can discover yours in the wake-up routine of each day.

For example, you are in a hurry to get to work, you are in traffic and everything seems to be moving too hard; your brain starts to show you pictures of your superior who is fighting for you, about your laptop full of emails, about customers you can’t find anymore, etc. At this point, you decide not to stay in the column and look for a bypass route. You have motivated yourself by building scenarios for the things you want to move away from.

Then there is another type of motivation. In the same busy traffic, you are thinking about how many wonderful things you have to do today, what presentation you want to prepare and what pleasant and successful meetings you have scheduled today. You think how achieving these goals will bring you closer to what you want, trying for feelings of joy, fulfillment, and competence. You have seen yourself doing certain things that bring you closer to the expected personal rewards and satisfaction. And, to experience all this and get to work faster, look for a bypass route.

Neuro-linguistic programming has found that these two types of motivation work in very different ways, even if they lead to the same behaviors. These two key elements of motivation represent what is called in the NLP “Motivation Direction”. Motivation direction is a mental program that affects our whole life. Everyone has mentally developed both types of motivations, Away from pain, discomfort, and stress or Toward pleasure, relaxation and gain.

The two types of motivation are useful in different situations. We all use both orientations in one situation and it is fascinating how we tend to specialize in one motivation direction more than the other. We become more motivated either toward images of success, pleasure, and gain or away from failure, pain, and loss. NLP research has shown that people tend to use the same mental pattern (same orientation of motivation) in different life situations. Thus, as in the case of personal beliefs, we develop patterns that we follow unconsciously, with greater ease.

*Extracted from the “Resonant Leadership” course*

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